Sweet Daniel is so stiff from the IV immobilizing his leg for 4 days, he is way more "Froggie" than usual. I see a lot of massage and warm compresses in tthe future of his leg therapy. He was a bit disoriented this morning I think, but for the first time since surgery as I'm holding him, he is talking his little "coo and roar" talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Even has a smile or too!!
The kids are fascinated that feeding is so simple and stressfree with the tube and big syringe. He had goat milk and cereal last night, his first food through the tube and that went very well. He has not needed any pain medication and fell peacefully to sleep in my arms as I rocked him and had a whole night of uninterrupted sleep. ME TOO!!!!
His rocking chair ,which I thought would be so great for a long time to come, is not so great after all because its at too high of an angle, even though it is quite reclined. At almost any angle, he can't do his passive swallowing, and the drool factor takes over,We have had no reflux or vomiting since surgery but the drool will continue to be an issue. I'm thinking that I will get him a wagon, pad it nicely and prop him up at just a bit of an angle so we can keep him in whatever room we're in, but in a more comfortable fashion since that cute rocking chair didn't work.
I am really blessed by the music of the band, Kutlass. Their version of one of my other all time favorite hymns ( "It is Well" ) is my #1 song to share with you today, I also REALLY like their song, "Amazed" from that same cd, but I can't find it for my playlist just yet. . I did find a Youtube video I hope you'll play late. It is super!!! I pray that you will be blessed by this young band and their heart of worship for our God. I can't wait to be in Heaven to hear the composers of 1700's music playing in concert with the 21st Century musicians. I am thinking when the clouds are " rolled back as a scroll" there will be a whole lot more understanding across the ages of how The Church has worshipped in music in its various stages and styles.Kutlass does a great job of cutting across some decades. See if you agree!
Love the idea of the padded wagon for him! Great thought!
Love both of the songs! Thanks for sharing them today :-)
Love you!
Jill I am always on the prowl for hymns done in the spirit in which I, ME, hear them in my heart and how I, ME, loves to sing them. Even when I was a kid and some of them wee only ever done in a 28 menmber congregation meeting in a YMCA room, and had only a piano, so many were sp real and vital to my young worship of Jesus. One line somewhere says " I scarce can keep it in..." and that's how I feel when I worship in Scripture and music...more modernly spoken, I will BURST if I don't share!!!
I love that line in your post about the 1700's and 2000's musicians / composers playing together! Here my family church is an old one with all old music and old people, yet I love the new stuff too.
How beautiful it will be to have them TOGETHER and getting along, worshipping one God!
Another reason why heaven's gonna be so great!
E x
I am so glad Daniel is doing well. Give him a kiss for me.
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