Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow and cold, colds and snow, Pass the "Blow-Nex please!"

Really?  Oklahoma has had two major snow storms  in one week's time?? Not just dustings of snow, but deep accumulations, deep drifts, lots of snow days for the public school students and college students as well,  lots of talk about no Spring Break  because the Snow Days have to be made up...................One more benefit to Home Schooling: the bus never gets stuck, the roads are never snowed in, the students are never snowed OUT of school!! We are using the public school  Snow Days as "make up days"  for other events we canceled our school for. Should come out even by the end of the year! In the meantime several of my children have nasty colds,  and this Mamma does too.  Isaiah who is thankfully nearly HEALED of his MRSA has bronchitis. This week we did not have to incise and or re-pack that infected wound zone! It looks so good and feels much more like healthy tissue and not a swollen tennis ball sized abcess as it once did! How "nice" to be able to use that doctor visit for a bronchitis exam, get prescriptions and be done for the week. We've been to the doctor  at least once a week for Isaiah for 6 weeks, and thankfully we did not need to make an appointment for next week! Jael is thankfully still black-out free, her headaches are diminishing as are the vomiting episodes, Is it the Migraine meds or isn't it? Jael  had started to feel better before we saw the neurologist and before she started on those meds. We may never know, but that does not slow down our praises to God for sustaining her during those many unsettling  and unpredictable months !
Naomi, Isaiah, Rachel and I are playing "Pass the Blow-Nex" but it has not stopped Naomi from going  outside to play in the snow. She is a tough kiddo!! Rachel and Isaiah have opted to stay IN, under blankets and near the wood stove! "Blow-Nex" is a Naomi-ism for Kleenex - tissue, coined when she was probably about 2 and it stuck as a family word.
                                                 On our deck. LOVE the triangles!


Back to that Oklahoma  snow. This arid state in which we live even has DRY SNOW!  The powdery snow on the ground is absolutely no good for snowballs or snowmen, or forts. The one day we had 40 degree temps in between the Big Snows, the powder got moist enough to really play with so my boys and their pals   quickly  built a 5 foot tall fort in the pasture across the street. The cold returned all too soon (for me) and before that fort could melt. It stands as a testimony to the ambition of 5 tween and teen boys who refused to be defeated by dry snow. Fun will be had!!!!

Gideon gets ready to go out, his boot cast and broken foot don't  slow him down a bit

Gideon and Noah

Naomi takes on the snow and cold!

Lilac, our Calico Acres Farm mascot tasting the snow

Isaac and his fort. That's our house in the bckground

GrandToddler Charlie goes sledding!

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