Monday, September 21, 2009

Why You Should read "Smithsoup"...a Mc Linky blog hop topic

The McLinky Blog Hop topic this week is to talk about our blogs. I love visitors to Smithsoup. I love to share from the wealth of experiences with which God has blessed our large homeschooling, home stead farming, international family.If you follow Smithsoup regularly or occasionally, you know we have 7 bio children and 7 adopted children and we are adding three more children from Liberia and that I love music. Our daughter Hannah gave birth to our latest grandson Charlie last Monday, our son Joshua is in Iraq and son Caleb is concluding his two weeks' leave and returns to Iraq tomorrow. We love the Lord passionately, love opportunities to serve Him, love to share God's wondrous plan and provision in our family life. Sharing our life in this blog challenges me to journal. I've been encouraged to write a book for years, but so far this is as close as I have gotten......... I hope the things that God has done in our family encourage your faith, make you smile, sometimes send you to your knees in Body-life prayer. When I read my own writings, they often remind ME afresh of God's faithfulness by helping me to step back a bit and look at the really GREAT LIFE that God has blessed us with! I hope you'll drop in from time to time to see stirring in this "pot" which is our growing family. Smithsoup, my title actually came from a photo of all of us in a hot tub together, and I made a comment about us looking like "a big pot of Smith Soup" and it was with that photo and title I started this blog.
I hope that you are living in the knowledge that God loves you and has a plan for your life..........."plans for a hope and a future, a plan for good and not for evil" as God promised in Jeremiah 29:11. If you ever want to ask me anything about what we believe or why, please please, ask away! I love comments from readers too! It is always fun to hear from YOU!!!<
MckLinky Blog Hop
Special thanks to Grace Jacobsen for sponsoring this blog hop.">

1 comment:

Laurel said...

This little synopsis of your family was perfect for today, as my kids were just asking for details about all of the families we will be meeting on our trip.

And ... by the way ... it is THURSDAY that we will be at your place. If for some reason that won't work, let me know and we could drive a looooong day on Wednesday to get there (from Colorado Springs). But, we were planning to camp 1/2 way between Co. Springs and your place on Wed. night, and then get to your place Thursday afternoon.

Let me know ...

Laurel :)