Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day after Christmas gifts

Oklahoma weather is so unpredictable and so extreme, one really must be prepared for ANYTHING and this Christmas week was no exception. Over the weekend and Monday we burned wood in the wood stove round the clock. The weather man promised that the week would give us warmer weather and FOR SURE, it was!! Christmas day was downright balmy and yesterday I scooted to good ole Walmart for marked down bags of spring bulbs and I planted 100 new bulbs in my yard on December 26 in, who is almost ALWAYS cold, was outside in shirt sleeves and no sweatshirt whatsoever......... happily digging in my dirt. WHAT A GREAT GIFT FROM GOD FOR A WARM WEATHER LOVER, and with investment for springtime too.....hundreds of pink and purple hyacinth, tulips and allium to enjoy later!! And that is not all!! I had dinner to fix and didn't get to water all those freshly planted bulbs. I planned to do that this morning. You know what? God gave me another gift! It RAINED last night, a good steady soaking rain. I woke up to crisp, cooler blue skies and WATERED BULBS!!!! But that was not all!!
I almost never remember dreams,but night before last I dreamed that we got out 171H in the mail on the 26th. SURE ENOUGH, there it was.............our advance approval to adopt Junior and Diamoh.....and oh , um, even though we asked for approval for two children, our social worker approved and recommended us to be approved for up to three, and that is what our approval documents state....APPROVED FOR THREE CHILDREN.
I will leave that alone for now, but its done. MY open arms and big big heart already have "ideas".I HAD ideas, even when I wrote the word "two" in the block on the app.......................Charlie and God, God and Charlie, may have input that is different from my heart stirrings; yes, I will let God do ALL the stirring, or letting things stay still, but it won't stop me from praying that THE RIGHT FAMILY be found for a precious little 5 year old in Ukraine, a little girl named Ginger whom I KNOW God put on my heart to pray for. I believe that God will stir the hearts of THE RIGHT FAMILY for Ginger, whomever they are!!!!!!!!!!! I know HE will!
"How can I keep from singing Your praise? How can I ever say enough How amazing is Your Love How can I keep from shouting Your Name? I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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