Thursday, October 23, 2008

An Adoption anniversary and some Adoption day dreaming

SIX YEARS AGO today I was in Cambodia, preparing to finalize our new son Noah's adoption with a Giving and Receiving Ceremony on the 24th. He was 5, I had taken our then 8 year old daugther Jael with me and my long time best friend Jennifer came with us too. We had only met Noah a day earlier and we were just getting to know each other some. It was a wonderful experience which I look back on often and happily. Jennifer and I had shared a lot over the years...I was her midwife for several of her children, she followed my footsteps in to nursing, our friendship has spanned over 20 years and a lot of moves and experiences. The only "downer" was that coming home from that trip, a delayed plane caused us to miss my youngest daughter's first birthday. She is the baby we had adopted from Vietnam earlier that same year.I remember thinking how I was glad it was her first birthday and she had no idea what a big deal we make of birthdays in our family. WOW!! Four more adoptions later, today I am day dreaming about the children we will adopt early next year.Keren Jubilee aka Diamoh, and Levi Matthew Cooper aka Junior..........................another mom who is traveling to Liberia for her new daughter graciously offered to take small packages to children at the orphanage for other waiting families. The outfits, photo album and little Matchbox cars and mini Cabbage Patch doll are on their way to the hands and eyes of our new children RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I wish I could see their faces when they see OUR FACES, our house, our animals in the photo book. Will they be excited? Scared? Unphased? Curious? Will they want to keep looking at the faces to memorize details, look for clues in the faces as to the personalities of the owners of the faces? Will the clothes I bought them fit? Will they be able to keep the toys or must they be put up quickly?
Will my new son and daughter have any idea how we are anticpating their arrival, how very much they are wanted, and already loved? Heavenly Father, please be preparing all of our hearts to welcome each other in, with trust and realistic expectations , and may no one feel disappointed or left out. Multiply Your love in our hearts over and over again so that Charlie and I have more than abundant Resources to lavish on all of our children, cause each of them to receive our love and each other's love freely.............. Like it was written of Mary and her Baby Jesus. I am "pondering all these things in my heart".

1 comment:

Ericka said...

Hi Linda,
Can you please send me an email: reeka @ - I have an adoption question.
Thanks so much,