Wednesday, March 3, 2010

some things are just easier to talk about

like baby goats. Those are easy, especially when they are healthy and cute and strong .When you wake up to find your son's Black lab dead on the street right past your house....not so easy. Nash has been Gideon's best friend, literally  for almost  5 years. When people were harsh or unfaithful as friends, when Gideon's  friends were just not tuned in to his ups and downs,  Nash was always there for and with him, since the day Gideon adopted him from the pound. Its not uncommon for Nash and Malachi's Golden Retriever  Aslan to go out at night, swim the pond  and come on back home in the wee hours. They are country dogs; we live in the country. Nash usually lives with Gideon but moved in with us temporarily this time  while Gideon moved and built a fence at his new house to keep Nash safe in his city place. Nash wasn't even here a week this time . It was a hard hard day for him. The other brothers dug the hole. Charlie and Gideon finished that sad part of the day together later on in the after noon. I had invited Gideon out for supper to share home made barley soup, homebaked bread and corn bread. That's a bout all a mom can do for a grown son to respect his grief, his privacy and still show a lot of love without babying.Sometimes the care and parenting of adult children is harder than some of the parenting of young children. Some people are not dog people and might not understand how deep this was for Gideon.For those of you who are not always people-people yourselves and who are animal lovers, you know. I know my son. He is grieving very very deeply. He is very lonely for his best bud.


Laurel said...

So sorry to hear of this loss. Not easy.

So true ... parenting our adult children is NOT always easy.

Parenting young ones is more physically draining ... parenting older ones is more emotionally draining ... parenting both at the same time ... takes all a mama's got.


Laurel & the gang

Unknown said...

Big big big hugs for you and Gideon today!

I know how hard this was for him and God keeps bringing him to mind for me to pray for!

I love you!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Lopez said...

Sorry to hear that, say Hi to Gideon from a stranger!

love2bmom said...

more tears for Gideon, thank you for sharing the pictures. Praying still.

Kat said...

So sad for you guys. I understand the love that goes into the four legged blessings...