Sunday, January 10, 2010

Life in a Snow Globe

As if my Daniel news was not amazing enough yesterday, God let me (and a lot of others in my part of OK) experience something that I have never experienced before in my life! Tiny droplets of moisture, or flakes of ice resulting from that moisture in the air create an incredible SNOW GLOBE environment! Millions and milions of silvery ice flakes float and fly all over the sky shimmering and sparking as they float..........more beautiful than words can really describe and nothing that my camera (or my ha ha ha photography skills ) could capture. This went on all morning long! Standing at the window of the 3rd floor of the building where we hold our worship servces, during and after music team practice, made the whole experience even more multi-dimentional. Praising God for His display of awesome creativity. Thanking Him that He gave me the opportunity to see it It was amazingly beautiful!

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