Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Upon This Rock" .just listen!!

As I was praying for a friend this morning, God brought the words to this song to my mind. I have neither sung nor heard this song for many years but God brought it so clearly to me as an encouragment for my friend, that I had to go find it and listen to it....reading the words was NOT ENOUGH!!! Sandi Patti did it originally, but listen to Allison Speers. It is simply beautiful worship ! As I said to my friend, I'll share here...the exhortation is the same: "YOU are part of that ROCK which is the church God is building. The powers, the gates of hell can NOT prevail . God is building a strong and mighty nation which will stand the storms, the tests, of time! "
***You have to go to the bottom of my blog page and turn off the sound for the playlist to listen to this clip!!


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