Razor cuts on short hair are hazardous to the eyes, (so much flying short hair!) so after she started up the back of my head, and I saw 1/2 inch pieces hitting the apron and the floor,I closed my eyes...not that keeping them open can UN-cut hair , but I closed my eyes. She got to my crown, asked if it looked right or needed to be a bit shorter. I thought it looked like it needed maybe a quarter of an inch more off so I could still spike it next week when it started to grow again. I said "Just a TINY TINY bit shorter on top I think."
I guess the only good part about that is that the much- much- much-longer-than-1/2 inch or even 3/4 inch hairs which started coming off did not get into my eyes. When I opened my eyes even with my glasses OFF I could immediately tell I had trouble. She innocently asked,"How's that?" and I am sure that before words hit the air she could tell by my face that the words were not of the "You're getting a great big tip" variety. Al l Icould say was "This is much shorter than I asked for. I don't know what I am going to DO with this." She put goop in my hair, she punked it out, she pulled and twisted, I closed my eyes again. I didn't want to see any more.
When she got done, it was spikey, for sure, but I can now pass for any of my brothers.
Charlie HATES short hair and I try to keep it as long as I can without it BEING long, because I don't like long hair for me. I knew this was NOT going to be what image of me he wanted in his mind to go to Michigan for a week to see his mom . I walked in and said, "This is the second worst haricut of my life." He graciously said "whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, we can agree on your hair. I was afraid you were going to say you liked it."
NEXT STOP: BELK, Old Navy, JC Penney, SOMEWHERE............. to look for a few cute hats or scarves for short term camoflage. I have been watching with delight as Abby Rigg's hair has been growing back,(disclaimer: Michelle AND Abby said this was absolutely fine to post) and seriously today, I think Abby has me beat. RACE YA ABBY to bangs getting onto your eyes!!!??? On your mark, get set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Needed a trim, got 4 of them...all at once!
Okay, I am NOT just saying this. I really like it from the side!!! Truly!!! From the front it is cute too, but I miss there being a little something sticking out from lower down on your neck. It is NOT as bad as you think! I totally dig it!
If I were not still totally in shock over the shortness of it , I might too...........BUT I did find areally cool scarf to tie around it for tomorrow...just in case I still really don't like it. I think the kindergarten bangs pushed me over the "10 things I hate about you" edge!!
THANKS ANITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE it!!!!!!
OT: Wasn't there a link to a wasp place to help with the flies???
Am I missing it??
Okay...I understand that feeling of "WOW...THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!"...but I seriously think you look adorable!
So...grow it back out, but know that you're lookin' good, sister!
Love you!
Ok, I have known you almost 2 yrs and I have to say YOU COULD NEVER LOOK BAD! This hair cut on your is really cute! Even the oh my gosh you did NOT cut my bangs that short!
You are so cute!!!! Love you all the same 4 inches off and all!
Hugs precious funny girl!
Y'all are so great!! I love my friends!!! Jael did tell me if anyone could pull it off, it was me...sweet daughter!
Yes it will grow, I will probably be very used to it by about Wednesday, IF it spikes where I want it to anddoen'st just look like moths chewed it!!
Jennifer, I had taken the Predator Wasp ad down, but its up!!!! They are AWESOME!!
You hair really does look cute, but Abby is excited about the race. You have her beat, but it is still fun.
Abby's hints for growing hair:
1. rub your head and talk to it all of the time. ie. "hey you cute little bald head, I said grow!"
2. Run outside EVERY time it rains, so that your hair can get plenty of water."
Yes, sweet Abby REALLY does that!
Love it Abby!! I sent you an email about our race, but I might not be so far ahead of you...You gave me some good ideas to get my little bit of bangs growing. I will try that head rubbing thing for sure!! I already talk to my hair, and I have given up on rain at least for today!!
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